Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Broken/ In-Progress Fruit Goblet

Did you take any risks?
Yes I took the risk of making my goblet more skinny and tall than wide and short which caused it's collapse.

What process did you use?
I made the base and the lemon and made each of the vegetables and fruits and just stacked them on top of one another.

What were some of your solutions?
I found that using texture materials on the outside of the foods made them look so much more realistic.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Finished Ceramic Monster

Do you have a title for your work?
I named my work "Monster Kitty" because it has vampire teeth and a spiked tail.

What is the main idea?
The main idea was to make a monster so I made mine a cat because I like cats and then I added features that monsters have to make it a monster kitty😊.

Did your project turn out the way you want it too?
My project turned out exactly the way I wanted it too! One thing I would do different though is glaze the tail one more coat because there are parts of it that are a little transparent. I would also have added more clay to the opposite side the tail is on to make it more stable because it sits a little slanted.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Unfinished Monster Cat

What process did you go through to complete your work?
I made two pinch pots and connected them to make the head and body. Then I added facial feature and a tail. Lastly I've been putting spikes on the tail and I'm going to add arms.

What is the main idea?
It started out as making a cat and I added features to make it more like a monster. It is starting to look like a wild thing from the book "Where the Wild Things Are".

Is there detail in your work?
Yes there is detail in the face and all the tiny spikes I made.