Thursday, February 27, 2014

Finished Free Form

Is your work turning out the way you envisioned?
It actually turned out better than I envisioned! I have had problems with glazing and choosing the right glaze but this time the glazes I chose were awesome!

How can you make it better?
I could make it better if when I formed it I had centered the cup more so it would be more balanced.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finished Spaghetti Box

Is your work turning out the way you envisioned?
I envisioned it would look this way but not as sloppily painted and not as collaspsed. It was really hard to separately glaze the noodles and sauce, each needing three coats.

How can you make it better?
I could've made it better by taking more time to glaze it and being more attentive to keeping the right color of glaze on certain parts.

Are you taking any risks? Doing things you've never done before?
Yes, I took the risk of making a spaghetti box as my second ever ceramics project. I started without much direction or a plan but in the end it turned out alright.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Free Form in Progress

How can you make it better?
I would make it better by centering the cup more if I made another free form.

Did you feel challenged creating it?
I didn't feel challenged. It only took 15 minutes and was pretty easy.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spaghetti Food Box in Progress

What were some of your solutions?
Creating a clay base and cutting noodles and stick them to the base.

Are you challenging yourself?
Yes because the lid was very hard to shape to the base and the lip on the lid was also difficult to make.

Is your work turning out the way you envisioned?
I pictured the lid being more dome shaped but it caved in. I think it will turn out okay.

Coil Vase

What were some of your solutions?
Texturing the inside really well and joining the coils together and letting them harden til adding more.

Which solution did you chose and why?
I chose both of my solutions to keep my vase stable.

Did you feel challenged creating it?
I felt challenged creating it and keeping my vase stable and to the shape I desired.

Is your work turning out the way you envisioned?
The vase itself turned out the way I envisioned but I expected it to glaze blue since I glazed it Stormy Blue, but it is tan.

How can you make it better?
Glaze it a better color.