Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ceramic Tile Finished

What process did you go through to complete your work?
I had to paint the palm trees black and then the moon and both with a pin tool. Then I painted the layers and mixed them together to try to make it look like the night sky.

Do you have a title for your work?
I have named my work "Paradise at Midnight".

Is there detail in your work?
Yes! I put lots of detail in this project in attempt to make it look real.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ancient Vase

What were some of your solutions?
I sponge painted the green and turquoise and the I painted the back details on afterwards.

Did you take any risks?
Yes, I took risks when I decided to paint all the detailing on because it could have turned out looking sloppy but I took the time and it looks good!

How could you make it better?
I could make it better by not making the detailing so big because I think there's a little too much black and it would look better if it was more green.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Beach Tile Incomplete

What techniques did you use?
For making the grass I used a pin tool and made little scratches to look like blades of grass.

Did you take any risks?
I think I took a risk my trying to replicate a landscape scene when it could have turned out really bad and nothing like the picture I was trying to replicate.

Can you make it better?
It will look much better after I glaze it and add all the colors so you can tell it is a night beach scene.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Finished Fruit Goblet

What were some of your solutions?
I attempted to build the goblet as one piece but it fell apart in the kiln. So then I had to glue the pieces together after they were glazed.

Did you take any risks?
I took risks when I had to glue the pieces together because I didn't know if the pieces would fall apart or stick together the right way.

How could you make your work better?
I could make my work better if I had glued the pieces together in a different way that wouldn't make it as lopsided and it would be more balanced because it tilts to one side.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In-process Ancient Vase

What were some of your solutions?
I've been using slabs to piece together my vase. I've also been leaving my vase out to dry when I add more slabs so it is stable and not wet when I add more pieces.

Is the project turning out the way you want it too?
The outside looks smooth and the vase it structurally stable but I wish I had made it wider to look more like the original ancient vase.

Is there detail in your work?

I'm just creating the vase now and I think I'm going to paint on the details. So no there is not much detail.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Broken/ In-Progress Fruit Goblet

Did you take any risks?
Yes I took the risk of making my goblet more skinny and tall than wide and short which caused it's collapse.

What process did you use?
I made the base and the lemon and made each of the vegetables and fruits and just stacked them on top of one another.

What were some of your solutions?
I found that using texture materials on the outside of the foods made them look so much more realistic.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Finished Ceramic Monster

Do you have a title for your work?
I named my work "Monster Kitty" because it has vampire teeth and a spiked tail.

What is the main idea?
The main idea was to make a monster so I made mine a cat because I like cats and then I added features that monsters have to make it a monster kitty😊.

Did your project turn out the way you want it too?
My project turned out exactly the way I wanted it too! One thing I would do different though is glaze the tail one more coat because there are parts of it that are a little transparent. I would also have added more clay to the opposite side the tail is on to make it more stable because it sits a little slanted.